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Photogrammetry Info:

Photogrammetry is the science of making measurements from photographs. It infers the geometry of a scene from a set of unordered photographies or videos. Photography is the projection of a 3D scene onto a 2D plane, losing depth information. The goal of photogrammetry is to reverse this process.

The dense modeling of the scene is the result yielded by chaining two computer vision-based pipelines:
“Structure-from-Motion” (SfM) and “Multi View Stereo” (MVS).

Layman's Terms, and Steps:

In Layman's Terms..., we take a lot of pictures around a 3d object to create the 3D design file, the more the better.   A good starting amount would be around 30 pictures rotating around the vertical axis adjusting the angle of view a little bit for each pass.   We filter the images through a Structure from Motion program, which develops depth to the 2d images by knowing where the camera was when the individual pictures were taken.

Get the pictures:

Take a LOT of pictues.   Start at 30, but don't be too stingy..., the more the better.   Get lots of angles, the more nooks and crannies the better.

Send Us the Pictures:

Send us the pictures using the link above or by clicking HERE.
Depending on the amount of pictures, it could take a while to upload... be patient.   Make sure we get all the pictures for the best outcome.

Compiling and Creating the 3d Mesh:

We will import the images into the Photogrammetry software.   After some time, the software will produce a fairly raw 3D mesh file.   This will require some touching up, and getting rid of extraneous "debris".    In the end, we'll have a "clean" (results may vary), 3D mesh that can then be 3D printed.

3D Printing the Custom 3D Mesh:

So, this is probably what you came here for...
Once we've finished everything on the digital side, we can finally get started 3d printing the custom object.
Photogrammetry (in my experience) will not get you perfectly dimensionally accurate objects, but you will be provided with a very good representation of the original photographed item/object.

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